Wednesday, March 09, 2005

God, so much has happened since my last entry I don’t know where to begin… I guess the most significant thing (out of a vast number of significant things…) is that… the trip is booked! I believe the acronym is 'OMG' (that's 'Oh My God!' for those of you not familiar with internet chatrooms...). It’s actually been booked for nearly two weeks now – the reason I have taken so long to update this page is that in booking the trip I have started off a snowball of events that has meant literally every spare minute has been taken up. I have never, ever in my entire life been so busy – mainly sorting out all the crucial elements of a world tour, such as making sure all my fave music is loaded onto my MP3 player and shopping for shoes that are sturdy enough to withstand a mudslide (they’re quite common in Peru, so I’m told…) yet versatile enough to be teamed with cargo trousers and a cotton shirt for the occasional formal meal… In other news, The Spanish ‘course’ is going good, and continues to furnish me with essential snippets of the language. I can now add talking about my fictional family (‘este mi sobrino; tiene cinco anos!’) to my impressive portfolio of conversational bon mots… I can also ask for any number of bread rolls. So long as it’s not more than a hundred. Check ME out!

The other pretty major occurrence is I got someone to rent my house. I think I should be excited… and I am… but… it’s weird. Renting my house is crucial to this trip; my mortgage is £stupidamount.permonth and if I DON’T rent then it technically halves the amount of time I can travel (look at me pretending I have budgeted…). I think it’s just that I am giving so much up, and this house is such a big symbol of what the last 12 months has been for me… And also, I LOVE it here. It’s mine. And the thought of someone else being here… Grrrrrr. GRRRRRRRR! Funny thing is, I have met the lady who will be renting (for the first six months at least) and I really like her. She’s cool. I guess she’s just not me ;-)

Anyway friends, I will post my itinerary as soon as PETE BATTERSBY (yes you, Peter) gets his hoochy ass in gear and shows me how to load a map onto this page. I have to say, the site is looking rather fabulous, but is lacking a certain visual flair. So Mary (that’s Pete’s middle name, you know) – sort it 'aht!

Un placer como siempre, mis queridos!

El el y unico.... Juan! x


Anonymous said...

I'm loving this site. I was alerted to it by my friend Dean the Closet Queen and it's a scream. I've just returned from a cocktail quaffing trip round the world myself but instead of being all fed up and moaning about the weather I'm going to enjoy another trip vicariously (travelling improves your vocab you know) through you clowns.
Can't wait to hear all about your adventures and remember take less clothes than you think you'll need and more mosquito repellant. Good luck Chll

Anonymous said...

Hey Gringos

Cant believe it's the 2nd already. Have you gone? Hope not cos I need to see you!

if you have, take mucho mucho care sweeties, keep safe and remember that Te Quiero Mucho.

Besitos xxxxxxxx (NEVER forget that man in Worcester, who's name I can't remember!! which was what got us into such fits in the first place)